Profile B.S.(1997) & M.S.(1999) & Ph.D.(2007) Seoul National University
Korea Institute of Civil Engineering(KICT) researcher
UST Professor
Helmholtz Potsdam GFZ(Germany), Visiting Scientist
Analysis materials by using X-ray CT
Tunnel excavation and blasting
Thermal-hydraulic-mechanical coupled rock crack expansion modeling
Thermal-hydraulic-mechanical coupled safety evaluation of radioactive waste disposal site
Induced earthquake reduction technology for hydraulic fracturing
ProfileB.S. San Carlos University (2019)
M.S. & Ph.D. University of Science and Technology (2020)
KMOU Post-doctoral researcher
ResearchHydraulic fracturing induced seismicity
Engineered barrier characterization for underground repositories.
ProfileB.S. Korea Maritime & Ocean University (2022)
ResearchDeep Learning : Rock discontinuity detection and characterization
ProfileB.S. Korea Maritime & Ocean University (2022)
ResearchDeep Learning : Rock strength(UCS) prediction
ProfileB.S. Korea Maritime & Ocean University (2023)
ResearchGeomodeling : Visualization of ground physical properties and data interpolation,
Acquisition of rock mineral images using X-ray CT
ResearchGrouting Method in Great Depth
ResearchCharacterization of rock discontinuity by using 3D Model
ResearchDeep Learning : Classification of rock mineral based on X-ray CT images
ResearchDeep Learning : Predict Rate of Penetration using LSTM
ProfileB.S.(2020) & M.S.(2022) Korea Maritime & Ocean University
ResearchIn-situ stress analysis using X-ray CT image data